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President's Message

Dear PSHRA-Southern California Members,

Welcome! Formerly known as SCPMA-HR, we are now PSHRA: Southern California, and we are on an exhilarating journey, much like a spaceship launching into new frontiers. As we explore this exciting terrain under our new banner, you'll find resources that empower your growth, a vibrant community of HR peers, and a supportive network ready to assist. This is your launchpad to limitless possibilities in the world of HR. Your journey matters to us, and we're here to guide you as we navigate this uncharted space together. Take a voyage through our website, engage with the community, and let's elevate the HR profession to cosmic heights.

Thank you for choosing PSHRA: Southern California as your HR partner on this thrilling journey.


To post a Human Resource career opportunity on our site, please send the job announcement to

We offer this service at no charge to our members.

PSHRA-SC is a 501(c)(6)
non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 10203
Glendale, CA 91209

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